Thursday, March 31, 2005

only 2/3rds of a drop out

so i ran into ms. yaeger in the hall and i had written her a not apologizing for what the class has put her through and basically telling her it was the only class i thought was worth while that i had started this semester. she hit me in the head and said why are you droppig my class you are passing with a c and have absences left. i siad i dunno it just felt like a better idea to drop all the way out than to keep one class. she told me that i could even turn in a paper i had written at the beggining of class which i neglected to turn in. so i dropped my other two classes adn i should do great in this one. and its at 7.30 which is actually good since i get off work at 7.
got the pictures taken and developed for the project for jeremy and they turned out amazing. i will put some up i think if i can borrow the disk with them on it from jeremy. we made post cards that are 5x7 with 3 of the pictures and his name under them. i wish i could put that up here maybe i will try to find a scanner. rooming with jeremy has been really great because we get along well and i have helped him by taking pictures for his website and now for his promo stuff and so one day when he makes it famous he will ask me to take more pictures for him which could in tern help me to get my name out there. its nice how thats going to work out. i fyou are interested in his music the site should be up soon. is the site. i think anyway hope all is well in your world. aaron hope to hear from you soon. i know life is busy and i am praying for you! nikki lets see the art!

Tuesday, March 29, 2005


well i suppose that you are many different things at once in life. like for example i am a son and a brother. lucky me some of these things dont require balance. unfortunately some of them do and i have lost balance. for example i am the owner of a truck which requires that i work a full time job and a supplamentary part time job. i also am a student which requires being studious. these two worlds have collided and studiousness being the weaker more nerdy half has been severly beaten and i am withdrawing from school so that i can increase the supplementation of my supplamentary job. yeah cant afford to live need to work more. so in a way i feel free in a way i feel dumb. but mostly im afraid to tell my parents. more later.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

its time to invest in cattle!

well i have been researching almost every night on the internet and practicing writing and drawing. i went tohobby lobby for my new hobby and i bought sharpies several colors and several different tips, my favorite was the huge magnum which will be the reason aaron should start investing in cattle. i also bought a sketch book in which i practice and whenever you work all night and there isnt much to do the internet gets old real quick and drawing has been the best thing to keep my awake ever. and that reminds me i would watch movies but several of them were stolen along with my dvd player out of my truck this morning. i suppose that even in po-dunk springfield there are people who think they should own what you do even if it means taking what you have. oh well its just stuff and im ok with losing stuff except it was from my parents. i hate it when i mess up or loose presents cause they feel more special than things you buy yourself. ohwell i suppose life will go on.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005


well i have been asked to take some pictures of my friend jeremy for his band and i am pretty stoked to do it. i have been thinking for a couple days about where to go and take them and i think we will go to some parks and a parking garage. im sure we will get them on a disk so i will post some of them once i get them. just have to find a time when there is light and our schedules match up. it will be atleast a week. i looked at some music mags and some other ones to get some ideas. i think it will be a pretty sweet deal.
life has been busy lately and i worked 57 hours last week and went to school. i think i am going to have to drop a class though. man that sucks but i guess that is life. i also have been thinking of applying for a church to work at after this year. its funny that i thought that i would never work at a church the past two years and the past couple months i have just felt like it would be an ok thing to do. i dont know what will happen but i guess we will see.
tonight at work i watched a special on vh1 and it was the history of hip hop and they had a lot of graffiti on it. man i want to be a b-boy so bad i wish i could break dance and tag stuff. maybe i will make it a goal to learn to be gangsta this year. i had this same obsesion last year but i suck at that kind of art so i made stencils that went ok i just need to put them on a building. ill keep you posted maybe ill call you to bail me out of jail. yould bail me out wouldnt you?

Monday, March 14, 2005

weekend home...

i went home this weekend with a couple friends, erin sandoval and brittany anderson. i hope they liked my parents and im sure they did. we had a really good time. friday night we just hung out and watched blind date with my mom and then slept. we woke up and went shopping i showed them some cool vintage stores downtown and then we also went to zona rosa where we spent a lot of time in forever 21. we had fun shopping and then headed home for some dinner where my requested meal was hamburgers and ore-ida fries. man i love those things. then we headed back down to springfield on saturday night. made some good memories and inrtoduced my parents to some more friends maybe just to prove to dad i do have some! yess!

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

who i am in his eyes...

what if you met a whore! yeah one who is strung out on heroin for the past six years, the needle tracks on her arms and skin draped over bones. would you look at her with disgust. would it make you sick to know that she had been with some guy tonight and once he fell asleep she stole $50 from his wallet and asked you to call a cab at 4:30am. would you think her foul language was unacceptable and just anticipate that cab pulling up and her being out of your hair. and when she says if he comes down dont tell him i left just say you havent seen me. would you wait outside with her in the cold and find out about who she is and what her life has been like the past 6 years. would you care that she was 21 and feels like she has wasted her life. and when she says why are you being nice to me i am a piece of sh*t would it break your heart right in half. and maybe she would tell you that she does drugs and drinks just so she can cope with life. could you put your arm around her and tell her you cared, would you ask if you could help would you tell her if she needs to talk that you work here monday and friday nights. if this sounds like something you have experienced you must work all night at a hotel. and its funny the sick feeling that i have in my stomach isnt because she was disgusting but it is because i am disgusting. it is because in hosea i am the whore. this book has never felt so real to me. my heart has never been so broken by who i am and who God sees me as. this condecending LOVE is more than i can comprehend and im not sure wether to puke or bawl my eyes out. and maybe you are the person that God has providentially brought across my path to put me back on the strait and narrow. alisha was her name but it could have been mine... i am glad that God gave me humility to understand that this is who i am and why i should have compassion!

Sunday, March 06, 2005

some funny comments i got today...

firstfunny comment dad at 7 o clock this morning as i am attempting to walk home from laquinta. *i thought you had friends* come on dad you know i have friends but they arent awake at 7 in the morning on saturday! well jeremy was after i called a couple times. i walked about a mile but there was probably 7 more to go.
second funny comment waitress at digiacintos wow you got a nice big truck maybe you could get a girl now. first off girls who would date me cause i have a new truck are shallow so i wouldnt want them (ok so i might want to make out with them) secondly i know my car sucked but i think i have a good enough personality to make up for a crappy car.
so i guess you figured out by comment 2 that i got a truck today. yes sir an 05 silverado with the long bed. its pretty nice and i still dont feel like its mine but next month when i make the payment im sure it will start to feel a lot more like my vehicle. its nice kinda grey pewter color.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

publicly transported white trash...

so i tried to ride the bus home 2 days in a row and i actually ended up being picked up by some friend or another. one day tiffany and yesterday robbie hurr. its funny that people think the bus is so white trash. oh well my parents are coming today and we are going to look at trucks so who knows what will happen? ill write more later

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

i knew it was coming...

well i suppose that death is unavoidable this goes for people and cars and barbara the buick died today. i was giving clay a ride home and smoke started billowing out of the vents and so once i regained composure (i thought i might puke cause the burning antifreeze smelled like fish) i couldnt help but laugh. i mean what in the world. i got to work fine but tomorrow morning at 7 im not sure what i will do i mean i guess i will call around and see if i cant get a ride but maybe ill just have to take the bus. i mean its cool i love public transportation.