Sunday, March 27, 2005

its time to invest in cattle!

well i have been researching almost every night on the internet and practicing writing and drawing. i went tohobby lobby for my new hobby and i bought sharpies several colors and several different tips, my favorite was the huge magnum which will be the reason aaron should start investing in cattle. i also bought a sketch book in which i practice and whenever you work all night and there isnt much to do the internet gets old real quick and drawing has been the best thing to keep my awake ever. and that reminds me i would watch movies but several of them were stolen along with my dvd player out of my truck this morning. i suppose that even in po-dunk springfield there are people who think they should own what you do even if it means taking what you have. oh well its just stuff and im ok with losing stuff except it was from my parents. i hate it when i mess up or loose presents cause they feel more special than things you buy yourself. ohwell i suppose life will go on.


Blogger nikki })i({ said...

Oh man I'm so sorry about your movies and your dvd player. But I'm so excited about your new found love, and I hope you share it with me some time! I miss you, and I love you loads!


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