Thursday, June 16, 2005

cinnamin toast crunch...

trying to figure out how to make t hings interesting for the kiddies in sunday school so i am making a video asking people around down questions and hopefully they will like that then a little teachy teachy and i also bought the nooma videos by rob bell to finish out the hour, well i suppose the fose ball table finishes out the hour but the part where i am forcing the kids to learn about jesus ends with rob bell. hopefully i dont get run out of town. things are going well and i think its going to be a good summer.
i took some pictures of todd gummerman before i left actually at 2 in the morning my last night in springfield which was actually a day late cause i had taken pictures of audry the night before instead of packing. well i finally sent him an e mail and he sent some of the better pictures. we shot 31. ill show you 4. like i said we shot them at 2 in the morning so that the light would be cool and so that no one would ruin the back grounds. i mean cars or people walking around down town although it might have been cool to have people walking through the pictures because the exposures were so long that they would just be blurs. anyway if you are thinking why does that kidd have a piano in those pictures its cause he is a musician and we were just trying some different things.
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this might be my favorite one it is shot infront of the mudhouse in springfield missouri down town.
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this one was at a parking structure pretty neat
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i like how the light turns this one a little blue green nice feel dont you think
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this one was on mt. vernon the street i lived on in springfield there were two blue lights and the rest were orange man that magnesium lighting is so gross when you dont use a flash. blue isnt too bad...
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this one is kinda romantic with the candle light huh? i like the light flares from teh candles it took a second to figure out what the floating circles were. hope you like these photos and remember i like to take pictures of people and so if your a person i could take a few shots of you if you want...?
if you wonder what todds music sounds like you could guess that its piano music and you would be right if you want to know what it is really like though maybe you should ask nikki to hear the cinnamin toast crunch song. or you could hear the whole thing it will grow on you for sure. ok peace out...


Blogger Alyzzle said...

UH-MAZE-ING! Wess, I loved the pictures! I wish you weren't so far away because last night Heather asked if I was excited to visit Pondy and I am but it won't be the same without you.

Blogger LMO said...

Wow - you've got some really good pictures posted Wess, I think that I like the 1st and 3rd ones the best. Seems like life is going well for you this summer, that's good. I am just trying to save money for next semester.... and that is turning into a very slow process, oops.


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