Sunday, May 29, 2005

time flies...and high fives

packed everything up and left springfield a day late. so i got home thursday around 5 and its nice to see everyone i was a little worried about boredom cause it comes quick sometimes when you are just sitting around teh house. but nikki and i hung out ran around town bought mom some lunch and then we ate with her and tested sme teas. they were pretty good so we picked up a couple different kinds. lauren and suzy came up and we had a blast. then yesterday morning we got up around 5 30 and left by 6 to go back to springfield i had to pick up a bed so nikki and i hung out down there. came back and here we are at sunday afternoon already and less than 48 hours to go and im gone. man time flies.
jeremy rented this movie with sean penn in it and it was about a guy who was going to assassinate nixon. i didnt know there was such a man but he had a mini recorder and he recorded his thoughts from teh time he had the idea until the time he attempted to complete the task. it was interesting. but mostly it just ade me think of how i would record my thougts as i set off on this adventure to the great plains. how will i remember the emotions that i felt. and so i and going to have a journal and i am going to take pictures and i will write down the pictures and try to let them tell the story of my adventure with as little words as possible. and then i am going to make a scrap book of sorts. and it will chronicle all ten weeks of the summer. i will start monday night or tuesday morning. i will try to post some thoughts on here if you are interested.


Blogger nikki })i({ said...

I'm interested

Blogger Alyzzle said...

me too :) I dig the pink shirt in those pictures. A little euro hawk going on too?


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