Sunday, November 27, 2005

make a list of things you need, leave it empty except for number one write love!

who is richard rohr? well i saw this dvd called crisis of faith which he put together that i thought was amazing and i want to get. also i started reading abook by him called everything belongs. i think it will be one of those books that i want to highlight the entire thing but here is a little snip-it from the first parts of the book...

*how do you make attractive that which is not?
how do you sell emptiness, vulnerability, and nonsuccess?
how do you talk descent when everything is about ascent?
how can you possibly market letting-go in a capitalist sulture?
how do you present jesus to a promethean mind?
how do you talk about dying to a church trying to appear perfect?

this is not going to work...*

*i watch how foolishly man gaurds his nothing - thereby keeping us out. Truly, God is hated here.*

*First there is the fall and then there is the recovery from the fall. but both are the mercy of GOd.*

i think this is going to be a book that i really like. it is about prayer, the kind where you are able to transcend life and see everything in christ. i am excited about reading this and about 30 other books i have started and not finished.


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