Wednesday, November 02, 2005

i wish i was an astronaut...

finding rhythm in life sometimes seems like an impossible task. but it is one we have been given. i watched the 11th nooma video entitled rhythm last night and i am sure that i almost cried. it was just perfect. it was beautiful and meaningful and something i needed to hear. i will post some quotes for you now.

*if God can help people find things on sale, then why doesnt God spend time on things that seem more important like earthquakes, or famines, or sickness?*

* for many people their concept of God is built around a God who is outside of everything, a God who essentially is somewhere else, a God who made the world but then stands back and watches it from this other vantage point, a God who's there, and then from time to time comes here.*

*when i think of God i hear a song*

*jesus is like God in taking on flesh and blood, and so in his generousity in his compassion thats what god's like. in his telling the truth, thats what God's like. in his love, and forgiveness and sacrafice thats what God's like. thats who God is. thats how the song goes.*

*the song is playing all around us all the time, the song is playing everywhere, it's written on our hearts, and everybody is playing the song. see the question isn't whether or not you;re playing a song the question is, are you in tune?*

*there are people who talk as if they know everything about being a christian and yet they can seem way out of tune. and then there are others who would say they dont know much at all about the christian faith and yet they can seem very in tune with the song.*

*maybe you have this sense like you have no sort of relationship with God because of all these things, these ideas you have about what that means all these things that you've been told about what it is or what it isn't and an infinite, massive, kind of invisible God, thats hard to get our minds around, but truth love, grace mercy, justice, compassion-the way that jesus lived i can see that. i can understand that. i can relate to that. i can play that song.*

*may you come to see that the song is written on your heart and as you live in tune with the song, in tune with the creator of the universe, may you realize that you ARE in relationship with the living God.*


Blogger b said...

hi! you have a blogger too! i am going to add you on my links because i like your entries. anyhow the john vanderslice show was so much fun! i am sure you will hear about it soon! havea nice day:)



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