Monday, September 12, 2005

everybody needs a little devestation...

as i talked to my mother about what i wanted for my birthday i told her that the 14 hour drive from williston to kc was a bit boring and lonely. and that i neede some entertainment so i asked for a cd player for my truck. then they (my parents) decided that i should stay an extra day help dad mow the lawn that he mows for a widow in the church and get a cd player installed. i didnt have many cds with me so i picked up the new/old cursive and there are some amazing songs on it and i also got the blood brothers new album crimes which is so great. it did make the 14 hour trip much better. still a little lonely but better.

you say you had another person that you were persuing this summer like you were shocked? you said there was nothing there so i believed you. we didnt start writing until july you were gone. and i write about girls in my blog too much so i decided that i would try not to for the summer.

being in springfield after 3 months of being gone is wierd! i feel like i missed a lot of good things some bad things and deffienately missed teh heat and humidity. i think it will be good to get back there and i think that it will be good to finish school and start on something new. i think that my experience here has lead me to believe that working in a church as a vocation is not for me. i think that i would still like to teach in a church just not as my main source of income.


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