Wednesday, October 05, 2005

love leaves its abusers...

boy oh boy jason molina you sure know a lot about life! you know the perfect songs for snowy october days. i mean i would never have known that north dakota has snow the first week of october!

i am reading this book called stumbling toward faith and there is a part where the lady talks about pat answers and how that most christians dont want to think about pain or problems just the easy answers that quit their searching hearts. here is what she said...

the truth in them was stripped out; the whole story in them was eliminated: god doesnt always provide when we think he should, and sometimes, his provision looks nothing like what we expected it to. god may not give more than we can handle, but it doesnt mean that we dont hurt under the weight of what he has already given us. god might provide a way of escape but it might begin past the path of grief or sorrow or betrayel

this is such a good book and i would recommend it to anyone who is searching or anyone who likes to hear about how people who have major road blocks overcome them and are united with christ. she also talks about trust, doubt, and unbelief... she says...

if there's anything i have learned about not knowing, its that it reveals the depth of my trust. can i trust a god who will not explain himself? can i trust a god who leaves me not knowing his purpose, his will? can i trust something beyond the pat answers, the snatched promises, the ways we quiet ourselves when the questioning grows too strong?

can i trust a god who lets me live with an "i dont know" and expects that is enough

oh god that is bigger than me.

oh god that is bigger than daily devotions

pefect answers

and unholy pretending

i believe

i want to believe

be present in the depths of my unbelief...

if you want to read more by her than check out her blog...


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