Saturday, July 30, 2005

son of man, son of God, lost in the cloud....

today i am heading to the state fair with my kids! i am taking my camera so hopefully i will have pictures for my next post.
i talked ot my friend clay the other night and i wanted to tell him all i was learning but he wanted to talk about how terrible of a person he is. and it wasnt like im so bad i murder people and eat babies it was like im so bad cause sometimes i dont get up hours before i need to so that i can pray and read. now i dont think that its a bad thing to be disiplined and read and pray i try ot do those things every day. i wanted to tell him that we are new creations and that all of our sin is forgiven and that we approach God how we are and he restores us when we fail. im so happy that i dont need to beat myself up and that i dont need to think its the end of the world when i fail. this is part of my journey and He is there through the whole thing.
then i called my friend mandy and it turns out that we are learning some of the same lessons this summer and she is growing and learning and life is so good for her.
and then i called kaleb and he is growing in the opposite direction that i am and its ok because we love eachother sooo much that we can discuss things and love eachother even if we disagree. and i am so glad that i am learning more about what being part of the family of God means.
life is good and i wouldnt want to be anywhere but where i am right now! thank you so much for the joy you have brought me living my life in the present. for blessing me with the mystery and for leaving me with awe!


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