Tuesday, December 13, 2005

son, i loved you at your darkest

what an incredible weekend. i finished christmas shopping for all of my williston friends while i was in minot because they have a mall. picked jeremy up from the airport and was pretty happy for the next 48 hours just to get to hang out with someone who knows me and has more than 6 months of history with me. he played saturday night for me and about 30 friends. it was so cool i like when he does acoustic shows. then sunday morning we had youth emphasissunday at church and so since i was incharge i thought we should do things a little differently. we started out with a soloist and a time of reflection before we started the service, but even before that we had a time of silence to prepare our hearts for worship, thanks landon for the suggestion it went well i think. then our youth band played 3 songs and again since i was in charge i spoke to the congregation and that went very well. well until what i was talking about became so real and overwhelming to me at the end i almost cried. i think that the best think about being a believer is that Gods grace is so amazing. so overwhelming and constant. and i would like to think i am learn that my life as a train wreck only begets forgiveness from God. then mexican with the tongs(the family i live with) and then back to minot to drop off jeremy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Want to hear something dumb? I cried a little when you left today...


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