Sunday, July 10, 2005

life between the trees...

last year mike asked a question every time he spoke that didnt make much sense to me. and today i found myself asking the question to my kids and it didnt make much sense to them today. i hope that the question will haunt them the way it has haunted me and that their mind wont forget it.

is this type of life worth living if there is no heaven or hell?

my first thoughts last year were no it isnt the sacrafice is to great for no benefits no punishments and no final reward. it wouldnt make any since to live this kind of life if there was something to be living for.

my thoughts now... yess absolutely this is the best way for me to live and infact it is the only way i hope i ever live. why? because living a life that serves others and a life that desires to bring peace justice and reconcilliation to the world i smuch better than one that would only serve self to the point of destruction. i suppose that i feel like i have found life in service and that i have found peace in shinning this light to others and i know there is a reward at the end but i feel like a focus on the end will distract me from the now. i cant imagine living this life as if it were a waiting room only holding on to my ticket and hoping to help others gain thiers. the world turns this all around doesnt it. the ones we are to care about are the fahterless the widows and foreigners. these are the outcast the lowly the ones in need of care in need of good news. open my eyes wider so that i may see the true needs around me!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

la la la WES la la la....thats my song about you.


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