Saturday, January 08, 2005

pimp my ride

so when i work all night themost interesting thing on television is pimp my ride or wanna come in or room raiders(most of the time its too shady though) you know mtv stuff. its just wierd to me that the *best thing that ever happened to me* could be some one spending 20,000 on my pos car. i wonder how long it takes for people to get get bored with satellite television and a stereo system that will burst their eardrums and collapse thier chest. how many video games can you really handle playing in the back seat of your car. maybe i just havent ever experienced this joy and if i had i could spend countless hours in my car playing halo 2 or fable something like that. i dont know. i just thought how sad it was that a cool car could be the best thing that ever happened to you or that you really feel like people will like you more for the car you drive... oh man look at that car i bet he is the coolest guy i hope i get to know him. maybe he will let me take a ride. i thought about the first chapter in the pursuit of God by tozer called the blessedness of owning nothing. i committed to have a budget this year and once i wrote on paper how much money i make and all my bills i think that i will get to know that joy for sure. growing up and paying all your own bills is tougher than i thought it ever would be. this is why i live in a garage where i can see my breath in the mornings because its 5 degrees outside. even working 2 jobs i am not sure how i will make ends meet and i think maybe this is the best thing that has aever happened to me. i will have more time to stay home and hopefully this leads to more serious time with God adn that leads to a more serious life. i dunno then maybe i will look at the vast expanse that God crossed for me to have a relationship with him and i will say that is the best thing that has ever happened to me christ condescending and stooping to meet me where i am. that is a blessed thought.
if you made it this far i just thought i would let you know i like michelle now and brittany also im not sure what michelle thinks of me but i sure love hanging out with her. i think she is a pretty enough girl but that isnt it. her little brother ben lives with her and her brother robert. ben is 16 and she is his gaurdian she takes complete care of him and that makes her so attractive to me. the way she is running her life taking care of her family and keeping everything together i think that is what i am looking for and she has it. hopefully i get to hang otu with her tomorrow cause i been thinking about her a lot this week. plus i really like ben he is a pretty cool kidd so i love talking to him when i am over at her house. just for a point of reference to pondi workers michelle is kim henrys older sister and if you wondered kim moved to detroit and i think her and lee are getting engaged adn probably married soon. huh who knew...


Blogger Danae said...

i hear ya on the bill paying thing, man! i'm working 2 jobs too... 'cept what makes it even harder is that i live with (and pay rent to) a girl who is still dependent on her parents at 22! so she spends my rent check every month on target splurges, all the while not working and letting her parents pay for everything. ouch. i don't always like it, but it makes me thankful for smart parents who cut me off!! :)

Blogger LMO said...

I think you have a really great outlook. I try to be thankful for the hard times that I have had at different periods of my life and for the dissapointments that have crossed my path because those are the only things that really let you know you are alive. Those are the things that are character building and that make you greatful for the little things in life. They are the things that make you strong and help you to realize what is actually important.


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